Introduction-Understanding and Addressing Society’s Ill Health

I was motivated to develop this website because of my concern about the ill health in our society and the future we will bequeath to our children if we don’t understand the root cause and then implement a successful strategy to address it.

Many people recognize the symptoms of ill health in our society and are dedicating their lives to addressing them. This is so important but it is also essential to gain a clear understanding of the root cause of this ill health and work together to address it. We need to concurrently address the symptoms and the root cause.

My focus has been and is understanding the root cause of society’s ill health and developing and testing methods to address it. In Tab 1, I provide information to help gain an understanding of the root cause of society’s ill health. In Tab 2, I provide information on why society’s leaders are unlikely to provide the leadership needed to address the root cause. I recognize motivating you to embrace my belief that addressing the root cause of society’s ill health is an urgent priority requires me to clearly state my view for you to consider.

I encourage you to review the following five tabs where I share information on the problem we face by having failed to gain an understanding of our evolutionary purpose as a species, why we are failing to achieve it, and the importance of gaining clarity on our evolutionary purpose, and how to balance achieving it while sustaining the quality of life.

To help you better understand the information I share on the website I suggest that you first review the video “Adventure of Consciousness” using the tab in the top left hand box of the homepage. I produced this video many years ago. It illustrates the evolutionary process of our universe and how we are a part of this continuing evolution.

I also ask you to view the tab “Awake” in the top right-hand box of the homepage. In this tab I define the state of being awake as “The state of being in which we are able to fully use our intellectual knowledge and skills, and concurrently our inner wisdom, to efficiently and effectively achieve our individual and shared purposes”. I understand being awake is an unfamiliar concept for many. To gain a better understanding I encourage you to go to Tab 4 on the home page “Phase 2 of Human Evolution – Transcendence.” Information on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is provided in this tab including the following (transcendence model). Maslow chose to define self-transcendence as an extension of his hierarchy of needs. Transcendence can be defined as using a form of knowledge that appears in consciousness without obvious deliberation. People call this intuition or inner wisdom. I choose to call the condition being awake.

Knowing when we are awake and when we are not is a challenge. One way to develop the ability to be awake is to commit to regular meditation. When we are awake and using our intellect and inner wisdom to guide our daily lives, we are in a transcendent state of being that enables us to contribute to human evolution.

1. The Ill Health of Society - Understanding the Root Cause

2. Our Leaders Will Not Realize Human Evolution - We Need an Alternative Pathway

3. Human Evolution, a Historical Perspective

4. Phase 2 of Human Evolution - Transcendence

5. Our Personal Contribution to Human Evolution

6. Our Challenge

7. What Are Constructs?

8. Learning How to Change

9. Building the Foundation for Learning and Change